English Made Easy

Every night, the daily notes will be posted in case you miss a day or just need some catch up. Links are at the bottom of the page and if you have questions or need help, leave a comment or contact me and I will try my best!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Notes 9/2/11


1. serving as a team captain
Participial Phrase
Participial - Serving
Phrase - There is no subject so it cannot be a clause

2. these are just a few
Independent Clause
Independent - it can stand as a sentence
Clause - there is a subject and a verb

3. being president of a club allows other students to flex their leadership muscles
Independent Clause
Subject - being

4. although the body of a paragraph should give examples
Dependent Clause
Subordinating Conjunction - although
Verb Phrase - should give

5. because it deals with one topic
Dependent Clause

Independent Clause = Simple Sentence

4 Types of Sentences
1. Simple
2. Compound
3. Complex
4. Compound-Complex

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